1400 years ago nobody knew about Rayleigh Scattering however it was portrayed in the Quran.
Back then people thought that the sky is blue and the sun is yellow. Today we know that this is false; the sky is black and the sun is white.
'Astrophysics For Physicists', Choudhuri, Cambridge University Press (2010) p 51.
So black is the true color of the sky. This was known recently, however this was portrayed in the Quran 1400 years it was discovered. The Quran says the sky has the same color as tar.
On the Day when the sky will look like tar.
٨ يَوْمَ تَكُونُ السَّمَاءُ كَالْمُهْلِ
"Muhl مُهْلِ " means tar. Tar is black in color. Today we know why the sky looks like tar; because the sky is actually black.
(The Bible insists that the sky is blue: Exodus 24:10).
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