Leonhard Euler was an 18th century Christian mathematician who tried to prove the existence of God through mathematics. He discovered that nature obeyed a formula that runs on an impossibility; so no chance or randomness in creation as atheists claim.
The Math District, Mathematicians Call It God’s Formula, 2024
Euler discovered that nature obeys a formula that contains 𝜋 ≈ 3.14 ≈ 22/7 and also contains 𝑒 ≈ 2.71 ≈ 19/7. We found them both in the Quran. In the Quran Hell has 19 angels and 7 doors, so they are distributed 19 angels over 7 doors = 19/7. This is Euler's number 𝑒.
"Over it are Nineteen" Hell has 19 angels.
Hell also has 7 doors:
Hell has 19 angels and 7 doors, so they are distributed 19 angels over 7 doors = 19/7. Today we know that this is Euler's number 2.71.
Euler discovered that the universe obeys a formula that runs on an impossibility; the square root of -1. This is impossible in mathematics but all sound, electromagnetic and gravitational waves obey this impossibility. This proves that the entire universe obeys the same creator; no chance or randomness in creation as atheists claim.
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